Humans lives in societies like ants do, the stack is very similar to the human society , for example is the stack population categorised in different classes , the worker ants , drones and queens. Very similar to the humans classes : the worker class, the law enforcement class and the leader class.
Worker ants and the human worker class is the engine of the stack, they do most of the work , collecting food and building materials for the stack, build the stack larger and make ventilation tunnels and take care of the maintenance work and such. Everything to satisfy the higher classes in the hierarchy ladder.
Everything that’s is found belongs to the stack, the worker ant is rewarded with the leftovers from the higher classes. There voices means nothing , the stack spreads propaganda amongst its workers . To make them think they belong to something great and that’s worth fighting for , when in truth the meaning of the stack is to make a good living for the queen .
On an on the worker ant class is pushed to serve the stack, the propaganda creates a fake reality of happiness and the worker ants think they are happy with what they do and have. No one wants to be different, no one wants to say anything, the drones ants keep hard watch over the worker lines and make sure everything is in order. There shall not be any treat for the system!
Deep inside the stack the queen ants has locked herself up , paranoid about the world outside the stack She looks in the mirror and hate herself most of all, she just wants more and more things, she never get satisfies and wants no one except herself to be happy. She spend most of her time in the harem , eating ,having sex and make babies with the stack most beautiful ants, but the conscious eat her up from inside ,creating a big black hole inside her.
Worker ants and the human worker class is the engine of the stack, they do most of the work , collecting food and building materials for the stack, build the stack larger and make ventilation tunnels and take care of the maintenance work and such. Everything to satisfy the higher classes in the hierarchy ladder.
Everything that’s is found belongs to the stack, the worker ant is rewarded with the leftovers from the higher classes. There voices means nothing , the stack spreads propaganda amongst its workers . To make them think they belong to something great and that’s worth fighting for , when in truth the meaning of the stack is to make a good living for the queen .
On an on the worker ant class is pushed to serve the stack, the propaganda creates a fake reality of happiness and the worker ants think they are happy with what they do and have. No one wants to be different, no one wants to say anything, the drones ants keep hard watch over the worker lines and make sure everything is in order. There shall not be any treat for the system!
Deep inside the stack the queen ants has locked herself up , paranoid about the world outside the stack She looks in the mirror and hate herself most of all, she just wants more and more things, she never get satisfies and wants no one except herself to be happy. She spend most of her time in the harem , eating ,having sex and make babies with the stack most beautiful ants, but the conscious eat her up from inside ,creating a big black hole inside her.